
 _____        ___   _   __   _   _____   _____   _____    _     _  
|  _  \      /   | | | |  \ | | /  ___/ | ____| |  _  \  | |   / / 
| |_| |     / /| | | | |   \| | | |___  | |__   | |_| |  | |  / /  
|  _  /    / / | | | | | |\   | \___  \ |  __|  |  _  /  | | / /   
| | \ \   / /  | | | | | | \  |  ___| | | |___  | | \ \  | |/ /    
|_|  \_\ /_/   |_| |_| |_|  \_| /_____/ |_____| |_|  \_\ |___/     

Distibuted rainbow table generating

Generating rainbowtables is a verry CPU and time intensive project. Deploying resources to this task can be hard, as the hosts generating are pretty mutch unable to perform any other tasks.
When working in group on a project like this, you add the task of managing and the problem that only one host can work on a single table at the same time.

Rainserv is a open source system that allows you to generate rainbowtables with multiple clients at the same time.
It allows central management of tables and resources. This project is Alfa / Pre-Alfa, no working binaries are available

This project is hosted on sourceforge.

Screen shots (more will come)


This project is hosted on sourceforge.

No binarie distributions available.
Latest server version: 0.1
Server status: Alfa
Latest client version: n/a
Client status: Pre-Alfa

Completed features - Server

[version] [general desc]
0.1 Tables: Add/Remove/ETA/Success calc/Character,Algoritm set control/(Max nr users/Table)
0.1 User: Add/Remove/Edit/Password generator
0.1 Logs: Real time logs/Database logs/Basic search & remove
0.1 Options: MySQL support (Create databases)/Brute force protection/Fast start(remember status before shutdown)/Config file recovery

ToDo list - Server

[version] [type] [desc]
0.1 -> Fix: Remove logs older then
0.1 -> Fix: Information panel on adding tables (wrong error display)
0.1 -> Feature: Implement new protocol/Actually Write the tables
0.2 -> Feature: Update table stats to database (chains to go)
0.? -> Feature: Support for MSSQL (JDBC) 70% done (jdbc)
0.1 -> Feature: Time to go on working tables.
0.? -> Fix: Change IP field in logs to varbinary(16) (IPv6 comp) using InetAddress
0.2 -> Feature: Finish logging by adding more events (works for now)
0.? -> Feature: Differenciate between server event and error for loggin to db.
0.? -> Feature: CLI
0.? -> Feature: Distributed cracking (Extended)

ToDo list - Client

[version] [type] [desc]


You can interact with the current project administrator via IRC. We reside on on #commune; please drop by.

Licensing information

All source code is released under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License (unless stated otherwise). A copy of this license can be obtained at: